First Beginner’s Table Tennis Tournament A Resounding Success!
The Beginners Tournament of September turned out to be a major success! Look at all those smiles after! Everybody have so much FUN! Every participant got a medal and gift. Now they all gonna train hard for October Tournament! OCTTA Beginner's Tournament Orange County Table Tennis Academy ran its first beginner's tournament. The beginner's tournament is aimed at the next generation of table ... MoreDecember Orange County Table Tennis Tournament On 12/10 & 12/11
"The next Orange County Table Tennis Tournament is 12/10-11/2016, the OCTTA- Pre US-OPEN WARM UP! Even though we only have 3 weeks, there will be many people who missed the last tournament who want to prove themselves! Due to the complaints from last tournament, this time we will advance 2 players and 2 doubles teams in ALL EVENTS! All our changes promise to make this tournament much better with ... MoreThe Round Robin Tournament held Every Saturday
"Alright my friends and OCTTA members! Its time to move on to another project to improve our club: The Round Robin. We are going to have the Round Robin every Saturday evening! There will be different division if more people are interested. Everybody is welcome to participate." - Dr. Le... More